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姓名: 李丽娜
籍贯: 陕西永寿
职务: 系副主任
职称: 副教授
学位: 博士
毕业院校: 西北农林科技大学
研究方向: 土壤微生物分子生态学,环境微生物学多样性与功能








2021.02-至今:  山西农业大学kaiyun体育最新版安装副教授






1. 汾河湿地系统中土壤微生物群落分布及其驱动因素分析(山西省青年科技研究基金,201901D211383,2019-2022,主持 )

2. 厌氧水稻土中地杆菌和厌氧粘细菌的群落结构特征及其对异化铁还原的贡献(国家自然科学基金,41571239,2016-2019,参加)

3. 厌氧水稻土中梭菌和芽孢杆菌的群落结构特征及其对异化铁还原的贡献(国家自然科学基金,41171204,2012-2015,参加)


1. Lina Li, Rong Jia, Zhi Qu, Tingliang Li, Weishou Shen, Dong Qu*. Coupling between nitrogen-fixing and iron(III)-reducing bacteria as revealed by the metabolically active bacterial community in flooded paddy soils amended with glucose. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 716: 137056.

2. Lina Li, Zhi Qu, Baoli Wang, Rong Jia, Dong Qu*. The response of metabolically active Clostridium community to initial pH shift is closely correlated with microbial Fe(III) reduction in flooded paddy soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(2): 522-532.

3. Lina Li, Zhi Qu, Rong Jia, Baoli Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Dong Qu*. Excessive input of phosphorus significantly affects microbial Fe(III) reduction in flooded paddy soils by changing the abundances and community structures of Clostridium and Geobacteraceae. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 607: 982-991.

4. Lina Li, Zhi Qu, Baoli Wang, Dong Qu*. Dynamics of the abundance and structure of metabolically active Clostridium community in response to glucose additions in flooded paddy soils: closely correlated with hydrogen production and Fe(III) reduction. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17(6): 1727-1740.

5. Rong Jia, Lina Li, Dong Qu*, Nana Mi. Enhanced iron(III) reduction following amendment of paddy soils with biochar and glucose modified biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018. 25: 91-103.

6. Rong Jia, Lina Li, Dong Qu*. pH shift-mediated dehydrogenation and hydrogen production are responsible for microbial iron(III) reduction in submerged paddy soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15(5):1178-1190.

7. Rong Jia, Kun Wang, Lina Li, Zhi Qu, Weishou Shen, Dong Qu*. Abundance and community succession of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in ferrihydrite enriched cultures of paddy soils is closely related to Fe(III)-reduction. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 720: 137633.

8. Qin Chen, Rong Jia, Lina Li, Dong Qu*. Effects of high concentrations of sulfate on dissolved organic matter in paddy soils revealed by excitation-emission matrix analyzing. Chemosphere, 2020.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126207.

9. Kun Wang, Rong Jia, Lina Li, Rui Jiang*, Dong Qu*. Community structure of Anaeromyxobacter in Fe(III) reducing enriched cultures of paddy soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20:1621-1631.

10. 曲植, 李丽娜, 贾蓉*. 水稻土中水溶性有机碳对铁还原过程的贡献. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2018, 24(2):346-356.

11. 阚靖博, 李丽娜, 曲东*, 王保莉*. 淹水培养过程中水稻土细菌丰度与群落结构变化. 生物多样性, 2014, 22(4): 508-515.

12. 闫苗章, 李丽娜, 王保莉, 曲东*. 贵州红壤水稻土淹水培养过程中Fe-氢酶微生物的多样性. 微生物学报, 2013, 53(6): 577-585.




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