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姓名: 黄晓磊
籍贯: 河北邢台
职称: 副教授
学位: 博士
毕业院校: 南京农业大学
研究方向: 研究方向为水稻土关键生物地球化学循环,主要从事水稻土中高活性纳米矿物(水铁矿、水铝英石、植硅体等)的组成、来源、形成机制及其固碳效应等研究。


黄晓磊,男,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事固体有机废弃物资源化利用和土壤关键生物地球化学及其环境效应等相关研究。2019年获评山西农业大学“晋农新秀”,山西农业大学“黄大年式教学团队”骨干教师。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项和山西省应用基础研究青年面上项目一项。以第一作者身份在Soil Biology and Biochemistry,Geoderma, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Applied Soil Ecology, Science of the Total Environment等杂志发表SCI论文6篇;以共同作者身份发表SCI论文4篇,中文核心期刊论文1篇。











(1)水稻土氧化铁生物转化及其固碳机制研究,41907083,国家自然科学基金-青年基金, 2020/1-2022/12,主持


(3)团聚体解聚与重聚过程中水合铁氧化物转化及其调控措施对水稻土肥力的影响,41671294,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2017/1-2020/12,参加




Huang, X.L., Kang, W.J., Guo, J.J., Wang, L., Tang, H.Y., Li, T.L., Yu, G.H., Ran, W*., Hong, J.P., Shen, Q.R., 2020. Highly reactive nanomineral assembly in soil colloids: Implications for paddy soil carbon storage. Sci. Total Environ. 703, 134728.

Huang, X.L., Kang, W.J., Wang, L., Yu, G.H., Ran, W*., Hong, J.P., Shen, Q.R., 2020. Preservation of organic carbon promoted by iron redox transformation in a rice-wheat cropping system. Appl. Soil Ecol. 147, 103425.

Huang, X.L.,# Jia, Z.X.,# Guo, J.J., Li, T.L., Sun, D.S., Meng, H.S., Yu, G.H., He, X.H., Ran, W*., Zhang, S.S., Hong, J.P., Shen, Q.R., 2019. Ten-year long-term organic fertilization enhances carbon sequestration and calcium-mediated stabilization of aggregate-associated organic carbon in a reclaimed Cambisol. Geoderma, 355. 113880.

Huang, X.L., Tang, H.Y., Kang, W.J., Yu, G.H., Ran, W*., Hong, J.P., Shen, Q.R., 2018. Redox interface-associated organo-mineral interactions: a mechanism for C sequestration under a rice-wheat cropping system. Soil Biol. Biochem. 120, 12–23.

Huang, X.L., Feng, C.L., Zhao, G.L., Ding, M., Kang, W.J., Yu, G.H., Ran, W*., Shen, Q.R., 2017. Carbon sequestration potential promoted by oxalate extractable iron oxides through organic fertilization. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81, 1359–1370.

Huang, X.L., Jiang, H., Li, Y., Ma, Y.C., Tang, H.Y., Ran, W*., Shen, Q.R., 2016. The role of poorly crystalline iron oxides in the stability of soil aggregate-associated organic carbon in a rice-wheat cropping system. Geoderma 279, 1–10.

Sun, Y.M., Yang, Y.H., Hou, M.L., Huang, X.L., Zhang, T., Huang, S.Z., Xu, X.Y., Yuan, H.Y. 2020. Optimized Nitrogen Topdressing Strategies Enhance Steviol Glycoside Productivity in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Plants. J Soil Sci Plant Nutr. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-020-00199-w

Jun Zhao, Tian Ni , Weibing Xun, Xiaolei Huang, Qiwei Huang*, Wei Ran, Biao Shen, Ruifu Zhang, Qirong Shen. Influence of straw incorporation with and without straw decomposer on soil bacterial community structure and function in a rice-wheat cropping system. Appl. Micro. Biotechn. 2017, 101(11): 1-13.

Zhen Zhu, Lifei Sun, Xiaolei Huang, Wei Ran*, Qirong Shen. Comparison of the kinetics of lipopeptide production by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens XZ-173 in solid-state fermentation under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. World J. Micro. Biotech. 2014, 30: 1615-1623.

Zhen Zhu, Chao Gao, Yanliang Wu, Lifei Sun, Xiaolei Huang, Wei Ran*, Qirong Shen. Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by lipopeptides and lipopeptides modified Na-montmorillonite. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 147: 378-386.





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